Artificial Intelligence
In the Artificial Intelligence (AI) it is they can to observe, to large features, two approaches different:- The conception of AI as the attempt of to develop a technology capable of to supply to the ordering capacities of reasoning or discernment similar, or apparently similar to the of the intelligence humanizes.
- The conception of AI as investigation relative to the mechanisms of intelligence humanizes, that employ the ordering as tool of simulation for the validation of theories.
The first approach is for it general the more practical, it is center in the results obtained, in the usefulness, and not so much in the method. In this approach it is straddle, for example, the Systems Expert. They are topics key in this address the representation and the management of the knowledge. The authors more representative of this approach they are McCarthy and Minsky, of the MIT.
The second approach it is guided to the creation of a system artificial that it will be capable of to accomplish the processes cognitivos human. From this point of sight not is so important the usefulness of the system created (what makes), as it is method employee (how it makes). As aspects fundamental of this approach it is they can to indicate the learning and the adaptability. Ambo present great difficulty for be included in a system cognitivo artificial. This direction is own of Newell and Simon, of the Carnegie Mellon University.
Is obligator to indicate that frequently both postures not it is they can to distinguish, neither even in many projects of the authors mentioned as meaningful in each a of they.
In this document it is makes a introdución to the AI trying of to define it.