¿Of that is going this game?
For to play, enough with to have mail electronic or connection to Internet. In this page encontrarás a bill of 1000 gaia-dollars for you (alone one, for much "reload" that it is make ;-). The that it wish puede it be remained with the bill or to attempt that to him give for he something to change in some establishment. Already that that not seem very useful, not will make lack be very dared for to invest it in "The bag of Gaia" where it is puede to earn much, or to lose until the shirt.
All the world it is guest to to play. For this, first it is send to the account E-mail
the confirmation of that it is is going to to play, together with a pseudonym or word key that permit to keep the anonymity of the player. For example it is shipment the text:
I go to to play
My name in key is: Ender
A time that it is there is accepted to play, the player it will have to to decide that quantity "to invest" in the "game of the prisoner", of the same form that it is invest the money in the bag or markets of values.
As was of to wait, this case is something different. Only exist a possible "company" or "value of bag" in the that to invest, but the business in issue is so fabulous that duplicate immediately any investment, but with the peculiarity of that the total of the money resulting (the double of the money invested in joint) is distributed for equal between all the player that they have decided to play, independently of the quantity delivered for each one, even if not it is there is invested nothing, it is receive it same that any other.
Is to say, that if exist 10 player and all invest 1000 gaia-dollars, the investment of 1000 gaia-dollars will produce other 1000 gaia-dollars of benefit and the result of 2000 gaia-dollars it will be distributed between all, with it that each individual will obtain 200 gaia-dollars.
If of the 10 individual, only 5 of they invest 1000 gaia-dollars (5.000 gaia-dollars), the result of 10.000 gaia-dollars is distributed between the 10, of form that the that not invested will earn 1000 gaia-dollars and will remain with 2.000 gaia-dollars, and the that invested it is will remain as they were to the principle.
In change, if of the 10 individual nobody invest, not there is benefit and
all it is maintain as they were. Each individual does not know always the investments that will make the rest of individual. The objective is to obtain the maximum benefit possible, but each individual it is find then with a great dilemma:
If relies in the kindness of the other, and suppose that these will accomplish
large investments, would have to to invest the minimal quantity possible for
to obtain thus the maximum benefits without to risk its money. Without embargo, the other not they are cloddish, and they will be capable of to arrive to the same conclusion. In that case, if all invest the minimal quantity, the benefit it will be the minimal for all, and the business so fabulous that
were having not it will be being of usefulness for nobody.
For so much, it more intelligent seem to collaborate, and to invest all the
maximum quantity, for to obtain all the maximum benefit. But, ¿puede
one to rely in that the other also it will make?
Good, since of that it is try. Each person puede to bet a maximum of 1000 and a minimal of 0. When it is communicate the quantity that it is plays, it is it will be able to send a commentary explaining the reasons of that election. A example of the second and-mail to to send is:
My name in key is: Ender
Quantity Bet: 750
Commentary: I believe that not is good it be played all the paste...
Finally, in the web will appear the result final of the game, the better and worse bets, and the commentaries more underlined, each one solely with the pseudonym of who it wrote, except that it is requests specifically that appear the name i complete.
And here it is the bill...