Algorithms of search in a world with obstaclesThese algorithms they are applicable to a robot fisico that it is it is moving in a world real for a surface flat with obstaculos, or to a ant virtual that it is move in a screen.
IntroductionThese algorithms suppose that the agent it is find in a world done not know that it must to explore, seeking something. Initially the agent would to travel the world of any way, but it will have to to attempt to avoid to repeat positions already visited, in some cases puede be interesting to visit absolutely all and it is will try of to use the knowledge that the agent is going acquiring.
The exploration would to accomplish it a joint of several agents, with or without report shared.
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A entity, with report, without knowledge previous.
Algorithm 1
The agent keeper in report the i number of times that there is state in each place.
The algorithm use direciones relative to the current (to turn to the straight, to give the return) and not absolute (North, South...)
In general, the agent attempt always to turn toward the straight. The order of the addresses, for preferences, is: straight, of front, left, back. For example, if turning toward the straight, the agent would enter in a zone already visited, then would try of to follow of front, etc.
When all the positions they have state visited, the agent take the address that correspond with the cell less visited, and if there is but of a thus, chooses in the order indicated before.
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