GaiaUtil. Publisher of maps

Author of the program: Manuel de la Herrán Gascón

Publisher of maps with test of movements and fractales

This publisher permit to create maps of obstacles for the program of ants and plants, for the game of the prisoner and for expolrando maps. Furthermore permit to prove several functions of search in a world of obstacles and creacion of landscapes for growth of type fractal

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To download source code

This program and source files are free of charge and of free distribution. The code source it is available and puede be modified, distributed, or used in other programs with deposit freedom.

For to obtain the last version of the program, for to suggest possible amplifications, if it is detected some mistake in the programming or if wish to communicate that it is is going to to widen or to use a part or all this program, not doubt in it be put in contact with the author in the address: E-mail

Click here for to download source code.

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