GaiaUtil. Encriptador SimpleCryptAuthor of the program: Manuel de la Herrán Gascón
Encriptador / Desencriptador SimpleCryptSimpleCrypt encripta and desencripta all type of files, using a key of size anyone provided for the user. Possess three algorithms of encriptación/desencrptación, some more rapid and other more sure.
The three algorithms it is bases in the same principle of to effect a operation of XOR between the bytes of the file read and each one of the bytes of the key, leyéndose the key of form regulation. The same operation XOR serves so much for encriptar as for desencriptar.
The result not is independent of the algorithm, is to say, a file that it is encriptó with the algorithm rapid it will have to desencriptarse also with the algorithm rapid.
This program and source files are free of charge and of free distribution. The code source it is available and puede be modified, distributed, or used in other programs with deposit freedom.
To download source codeFor to obtain the last version of the program, for to suggest possible amplifications, if it is detected some mistake in the programming or if wish to communicate that it is is going to to widen or to use a part or all this program, not doubt in it be put in contact with the author in the address: E-mail
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